In today’s digital age, where every moment can be captured and shared with just a click, the appreciation for tangible photographs seems to be dwindling. However, there’s something magical about holding a physical print in your hands, feeling the texture, and admiring the colors that just can’t be replicated on a screen. As photographers, we have the power to reignite this appreciation and share our passion with others by providing free prints. Sharing photography through free prints isn’t just about giving away a piece of paper; it’s about sharing a piece of ourselves and our perspective with the world.

This is a new project for me. I plan on taking photos of things that interest me and providing a free print. I have

I have been sharing my photography online for many years and this is the next step in the sharing. This is inspired by several accounts on Instagram.

I came across this Orange Rocket walking out to my car at the office on a nice day in March. I thought that it would make a nice photo and it sure did. It took me a couple of weeks to get set up to give away free prints. I was finally able to drop it off at the motorcycle on the way out of the office on a nice day in April. In the future I do not plan on taking this long to get the prints to the owner.

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